Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Next Chapter!

I wrote this in 2009 for the company newsletter that went out to all our members.  I was looking ahead as I closed a chapter in my work-life at the Competitive Training Center and started a new chapter towards becoming a physical therapist:

If you are fortunate enough to stumble down your life’s path like I do you will or have fallen unexpectedly on some very intriguing topics of study.  Most of my last decade on earth has been seeking out in one way or another how the Human Body functions in athletics and sometimes how it dysfunctions as well.  I truly enjoy this path because of what I have learned and because of the medium through which I learn, very amazing people.  If a painter did not appreciate paint he or she would not stick to painting for very long.  And I would not stick the Human Performance business very long if I didn’t really appreciate all of the people I get to work with everyday.  Thank you all for being my paint.
To press on in my quest to further understand how we physically function and what to do when someone is having challenges in functioning I am pursuing a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.  I am starting back at school part-time for the next 10 months and thusly I will be whittling my time at CTC to Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and the occasional Saturday Kettlebell clinic.  This will commence in mid August. 
Things will probably run smoother in my Tuesday and Thursday absence.  Please shoot me an email to tell me how great the other AP Coaches are doing without me there.  At CTC the adult athletes are seeing remarkable results in their body composition and their general athletic performance.  The Young Guns boys (middle school athlete program) are diligently preparing for 7th grade Tackle Football and basketball in the winter.  The High School Elite athletes, who are competing in everything from Lacrosse, Volleyball and Wakeboarding are capitalizing on their summer “Offseason” to raise their foundational athleticism.  And the Youth Development (elementary school athlete program) boys and girls are setting the stage for future sports prowess by building the muscle memory for efficient running, powerful jumping and razor-sharp agility skills. 
We greatly value that you have entrusted your physical fitness and athletic performance into our hands.  I encourage you to figure out what it is you want to accomplish and then execute!  We want to help you and be there cheering when you succeed.
Things come to those who wait.  But only things left by those who hustle.

-Abraham Lincoln

Now I have completed my doctorate in physical therapy and it's on to the next chapter.  Below is a pic of a "window" seen from the first day's hike in Big Bend Nat'l Park.  Its a sunrise and the analogy of the image and the beginning of a new pursuit should be obvious.  If you receive updates on this blog there will be more content coming soon.  Keep pursuing strength!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Commitment to Producing Deliverables

As the title implies, I am holding my own feet to the proverbial fire so that I get some quality content up on this blog and make it worth reading  in short, bite-size pieces for the person interested in training to be a better functioning human.  
The plan is to work on chapters of what may become an ebook on speed and strength training for middle school to high school age athletes.  There will be a smattering of topics covered.  Not all of them will be fodder for the ebook, but rather they will stoke the creative fire and help me chisel down my experiences and the experiences of my athletes into what may be most usable by others.  The training methods that will be discussed have gone through the filter I use when planning my athletes' programming with the mentality of "Primum Non Nocere" (First Do No Harm), which means that most of the training will be perfect for the busy adult that needs to minimize risk and maximize reward from their training.

I have been moving along through my clinical rotations as a physical therapy student over the last few months, which has been an amazing time of learning and getting stretched mentally.  So I will likely share some things that have been particularly interesting to me from that arena as well.
If you are reading and you are one of the young fellas who went through the Express Way Baseball Development Program, you guys rock!  You know you rock because you saw the huge improvements made in your hitting, throwing, fielding, and your overall athleticism.  Keep watching this blog b/c it will build on what you learned over the past two and a half months.

Until next time...
Pursue Strength,